Does Wake-On-LAN Work On Netgear Home Routers?

Have you ever wanted to remotely power up your computer, gaming console, or media server while you’re away from home? Wake-On-LAN (WoL) is the solution you’ve been looking for. But does this convenient feature work with Netgear home routers? In this blog post, we’ll explore Wake-On-LAN, its compatibility with Netgear routers, and how you can make it work seamlessly. And if you run into any issues, remember that you can always reach out to MyWiFiLogon at +1-800-413-3531 for expert assistance.

Understanding Wake-On-LAN (WoL)

Wake-On-LAN is a technology that allows you to remotely power on or wake up a device, such as a computer, over a local network or the internet. It’s incredibly useful for scenarios like:

  • Remote access: Accessing your work computer from home.
  • Media servers: Turning on your media server to stream content to your TV.
  • Gaming: Starting your gaming console before you arrive home for a seamless gaming experience.

The key to WoL is that the target device needs to be in a low-power state (typically sleep or hibernation) for it to work.

Wake-On-LAN Compatibility with Netgear Routers

Netgear is a popular brand for home routers, known for their user-friendly interfaces and robust features. The good news is that many Netgear routers fully support Wake-On-LAN. However, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

Port Forwarding:

To use WoL over the internet, you need to configure port forwarding on your Netgear router. This involves opening specific ports and directing them to the target device’s IP address. Port forwarding settings can vary from one router model to another, so consult your router’s documentation or contact MyWiFiLogon for guidance.

Static IP Address:

For WoL to work reliably, it’s best to assign a static IP address to the device you want to wake up. This ensures that the router always knows where to send the WoL magic packet.

MAC Address:

You’ll need the MAC (Media Access Control) address of the target device. This unique identifier is crucial for WoL to work correctly. Make sure you have the correct MAC address when configuring your WoL setup.

Setting Up Wake-On-LAN with Netgear Routers

Here’s a general guide on setting up Wake-On-LAN with a Netgear router:

  1. Access Your Router’s Web Interface: Open a web browser and enter your router’s IP address (usually or to access the router settings.
  2. Log In: Enter your router’s username and password. If you haven’t changed these from the default values, check the router’s manual for the default login credentials.
  3. Enable Port Forwarding: Navigate to the port forwarding section in your router settings. Here, you’ll configure port forwarding rules for Wake-On-LAN.
  4. Create a Port Forwarding Rule: Add a new port forwarding rule, specifying the target device’s IP address and the WoL port (default is UDP port 9).
  5. Save and Apply: Save your settings and apply them.
  6. MAC Address: Make a note of the MAC address of the device you want to wake up.

Testing Wake-On-LAN

To test your WoL setup, you can use a WoL utility or app on your smartphone or computer. Enter the MAC address and IP address of the target device and send a WoL magic packet. If configured correctly, your device should wake up.

Troubleshooting Wake-On-LAN

If you encounter issues with WoL on your Netgear router, don’t hesitate to call MyWiFiLogon at +1-800-413-3531. Their experienced technicians can help you troubleshoot and configure Wake-On-LAN for your specific router model.

In conclusion, Wake-On-LAN is a fantastic feature that can make your life more convenient and efficient. With Netgear routers, you can enable WoL to wake up your devices remotely. By following the setup steps and seeking expert assistance when needed, you’ll enjoy the benefits of Wake-On-LAN with your Netgear home router.

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